Introducing the best selection of automotive paint for your next project!


If you’re planning to do some touch up work on your car this weekend, we have the automotive paint you’ll need! We offer an excellent selection of aerosol spray paint in all colors and finishes, from base coats to clear coats, with all-important matching abilities, so you can be sure that the rest of your vehicle looks just as good as it did when it came out of the factory, if not better! Check out our online store today and find the right product for your project!

Why use automotive paint?

If you are looking to give your car, truck, or motorcycle a fresh new look, then there is nothing better than our high-quality aerosol automotive paint. Our premium aerosol spray cans come in a wide variety of colors and finishes so that you can get just the right look for any vehicle. Whether you are looking to cover up minor scratches or repair larger areas with our amazing touch up kits, we have everything that you need at a reasonable price point. The aerosol spray cans offer an even, one-step application process that will help ensure an optimal final result every time.

What are the benefits of using automotive paint?

Paint is an essential part of any car's exterior, and with our wide selection, you're sure to find the perfect color. Automotive paint is also a great way to add some personality to your vehicle. It's super easy to apply and dries quickly, so there's no need to worry about it getting on anything else in your garage or on yourself. We even offer custom colors that allow you to match any color you want. Our vast range of paints includes lacquers, enamels, acrylics, clears and more to suit every budget.

Aerosol paint can be purchased by the quart or gallon - depending on how big your project may be - at an affordable price.

You'll never have to think twice about finding quality automotive paint again; we've got everything you need right here!

How to choose the right automotive paint for your project?

Choosing the right Automotive Paint Supplies is not as easy as picking up any aerosol can. There are so many different types and finishes to choose from, it can be overwhelming. We want to make it easier by narrowing down a few things you need to know when buying aerosol spray paint: whether you are painting a car or some other type of vehicle, what color you want your finish to be and how much durability you need. When choosing between paint types there are two options:

-OEM Finish - Has a smooth glossy look that is like new after being applied

-Flat Finish - Leaves an even matte appearance and doesn't fade as easily with weathering exposure

When deciding on the shade of your automotive paint, there are a number of factors to take into consideration including: the purpose you intend on using the car for (such as if it's just going to be used on sunny days) or if you're looking for something specific such as metallic or pearl.

Our top picks for the best automotive paint

Picking the right paint can be tricky. When you're choosing between a few types it's not so bad. But when faced with hundreds of options, it can take hours to figure out which one is right for you. To make things easier, we have narrowed down our top picks to some of our favorite brands and colors to get you started on your search! Let's start with the basics: spray paint or brush-on? Spray paints are quick and easy because they come in cans that are ready-to-go. You just point and shoot, which makes them great for people who don't like a lot of prep work before getting their hands dirty. Brush-on paints are good if you want more control over how much product comes out or what area you're painting.

How to apply automotive paint?

It is important to prepare a clean surface before painting. Washing with soap and water, or using a detergent like Simple Green, will remove dust and dirt from the surface. Then, use a dry cloth to wipe away any remaining moisture.

Next, spray an even coat of primer on the surface in one direction. Allow it to dry for 15-30 minutes, then follow up with two coats of color (or as many as needed). Allow each coat to dry completely before applying another coat. A heavy-duty paint roller can be used to spread the color evenly if desired. Don't forget about small nooks and crannies that may need some additional attention. To reduce surface tension and minimize brush marks, apply one or two light coats of clear enamel to the edges of panels that are not being primed. You should always start with a light sanding after priming if you plan on doing any other work around your vehicle such as body work/painting repairs; this will prevent sandpaper scratches which could show through your new finish.


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